so...Chris and i just got back from a great Argentine dinner ( as you can was nothing out of the ordinary)...the usual: steak and wine. After a full day of walking around and visiting various outdoor artisan fairs, we decided a cab home would be great. Pretty easily, we flag one down. We get in the cab and tell him our home address. The driver is a big, heavy set man with salt and pepper hair. He doesn´t strike us as overly friendly, but not many of them are. Driving on a 5 lane avenue and less than 10 seconds later, we notice a hatchback (which is a standard size for the cars in Buenos Aires) one lane left of car back. Our taxi driver pulls up next to it and yells spanish profanities ( i probably shouldn´t translate)...then, he pulls dead in front of the car, cutting him off like nobody´s business, and stops the taxi with the emergency break! thing you know, our driver gets out of the car, in the middle of speeding traffic, leaving us in the backseat, and pounces on the hatchback with all his body weight and two full fists...denting the hatchback and shattering the rear right window!! It was CRAZY! Our driver gets back in the taxi, with blood running from his hands/fists and continues driving us to our destination as if he just stopped to get some gas! He said nothing...Chris asked him if he was okay and he said ¨yes, yes¨. Next thing you know, we are weaving in and out of traffic ( trying to flee the scene and backlash from the other driver)...there are two lanes on the street at one point, and our taxi driver decides to make a 3rd, right in the middle of two cars! was, by far, the most ¨adventerous¨cab rides in South America yet. All we had to say, was thank goodness that we were not in the United States....because that would not have ended so peacefully.
attached are some other photos from these past couple days....basically, what you see is a visit we took to the ¨Rosedal¨, a rose garden in Buenos Aires´ version of Central Park. After that, we visited Recoletta cemetery, which is most known for Eva Perone being buried there. It´s a beautiful cemetery with lots of old and newer moseleums. After about 4 miles of walking around, we stopped for a big fat juice smoothy....mmmmmm....not so interesting but sooo worth it ( notice the shirt Christopher is wearing...he´s come out of the closet with his Argentine futbol jersey).
Today, we went back to Recoletta to visit their weekend artisans fair´and moved on to an area called ¨Palermo¨, where there was another fair going on. The fairs here are great...lots of realy cool jewelry and hand crafted ceramics and wood carvings. Chris and I have found these artisan fairs are just what we need to stretch and grow our marriage ;)
Tomorrow we visit yet one more fair, in one of the oldest sectors in Buenos Aires, San Telmo. Then we meet up with Gaston for lunch before heading to a River Plate soccer game! Oh yea...more pics to come!