It is now our second week in Ecuador and we feel like locals....minus the bus routes. Where we live, in San Roque, you can't help but become fully immersed in the culture here.... shopping in outdoor markets, taking the bus everwhere, hanging our clothes out to dry, bartering with locals over every purchase, drinking fresh juice from the local juicer and eating freshly baked bread every morning from Edwin and Cecilia's shop, our local bakers. It's been great.
Last Thursday we had a fabulous Thanksgiving celebration with neighbors and friends of Casa Victoria. It was such a beautiful time. Both rich and poor came together at one table and shared from the heart. There was lots of laughter, tears, and hugs. It really showed that regardless of your background, ethnicity, socio economic status...all are one in Christ.
It has been really great getting to know everyone involved in Casa Victoria, from board members to house members. Right now there are 5 guys who live in the house, 3 Ecuadorians (Estaban, Ivan, and Javier) and 2 Americans (Charlie and Seth). Jon and Anna Eshleman are the house leaders. Chris and I are still defining exactly what our role is. Primarily, we came to help Jon and Anna. So far, that has looked like helping with house chores, meals, and hanging out with the guys in the house and people in the neighborhood. For example, every Wednesday we have Kids Club made up of a group of 15-20 local kids who we play games with, color, read to, etc. Every Tuesday the house hosts English classes for the adults. Chris and I haven't gotten fully in the swing of things just because we are in Spanish class 3 hours a day, 4 days a week.
One of our highlights so far is a bull fight we went to on Sunday with Jon, Anna, Daniella and her family. Talk about crazy. Why didn't anyone ever tell me they actually kill the bull at the end of each fight?! I thought it was a bunch of dancing around with a bull and a blanket. Not the case. However, they deemed one bull "worthy" and let him pass. The entire time we were watching this 3 hour event I was thinking "Animal Planet". I was waiting for something crazy to go wrong and end up on "When Animals Attack"....and it kind of did. We saw one guy get bucked up in the air by the bull, but he was okay. We saw another get smashed up against the wall by the bull..he was okay, too. Watching that in the moment was scary. It is such an interesting sport. Very violent, very loud, and very popular.
This week has been good. Just pluggin along in our spanish classes. Who knew that grammer would come back to haunt us. What is a preterite anyways?! Who cares! Just teach me how to speak! Pray for our patience ;)
Chris and Ang ....It is with much excitement that I read your experiences in Ecuador so far, I know these will be a life changing experience for both of you. Thinking and praying for you! Love, Annie
I love reading your blog!! Sounds like it's been an incredible trip already...and it's just beginning. I'm setting up our skype account today, so lets talk this week. We MISS you guys!!
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