So, we recently started having weekly house meetings on Mondays, led by Carolina Bueno, our house Director. Each week we have "homework" in pairs, in which we have to do some activity throughout the week to get to know one another. This week we had to write and sing a song or recite a poem in our pairs. I was paired up with Javie. Chris was paired up with Oscar. Irene, our librarian, was paired up with Esteban. It was a good time! You really had to be there to get the full effect! Chris and Oscar ended up winning the competition...$4 each for coffee ( which, here, could get you 2+ cups...yet another advantage of living in a country that is not monopolized by Starbucks :) It's been a small house this week. Charlie, Seth, Anna and Jon all went to Washington DC for the National Prayer Breakfast. So, Chris and I held down the fort here. We had a great week with the guys. We had some really good conversations and fun hang out time, watching Tropic Thunder, Kung Fu Panda and about a gabillion soccer games. Everyone really worked well together, helping each other balance the workload. The guys did a great job putting on our weekly "kids club". This week was Daniel and the Lion's Den. Chris was the King Darius. It was a hit! Also, this past weekend we went up to the "Panecillo". The Panecillo is a huge statue of the Virgin Panecillo who seperates the Northern part of Quito from the Southern part. It gives a great view of the city. We went up with some friends, Jose Luis his wife Carolina and their daughter Julia. Carolina is the grandaugther of ex President of Ecuador, Sixto Duran, and the daughter of Alicia Duran, who started Casa Victoria. Chris and I are really excited about this week...my mom arrives on Thursday night and will spend 6 days here in the house. Next Thursday, we'll all go to Lima, Peru to hang out on the beach for a week!!! Oh, how I miss the beach! From Lima we'll go straight to Argentina! It's finally here! Chris and I have really been looking forward to this part of the trip. We'll spend a full month there...meeting family of friends, hopefully going to a River Plate game, and eating lots and lots and lots and lots of STEAK and equally drinking amazingly good and cheap wine! Are we excited....oh, yes!!!!! Stay tuned... *Attached is a picture of a group of us gals that meets weekly for lunch: Carolina Mateos (at the far end of the table on the right), Daniela Borja (wearing the pink top), Ana Eshleman (wearing glasses), our guest of the week Beth Ann (who was visiting from New York) (sitting across from Carolina), and me*
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